

My big boy is 7 and he's really starting to act like a "little man": he knows what he wants and says what he thinks, whether I like it or not :)
This year, we had another gift hunt (his request) and I documented his running here and there and finding the gifts. He was spoilt as usual and we topped off the morning with a mini donuts birthday cake, shared between Amal, my parents and I.
In my family, it's tradition for the one who has the birthday to choose a restaurant which we go to together to celebrate so I thought it would be good to continue this tradition. So Amal, his dad and I went to a restaurant chosen by Amal for lunch :)
I think birthdays are great! It's really that one day in the year where you're free to do anything you want, choose whatever you want and not think of anything..... so I hope that's what Amal felt today (though he did say in the afternoon "this is the greatest birthday ever!")...

If you wanna see what we did last year, go here :)